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Once upon a time, there was a cozy little living room with a gorgeous, velvet-red sofa.
It was the favorite piece of furniture in the house, and everyone who saw it loved it immediately.
But the sofa had a secret – it wasn’t just a piece of furniture.
It was inhabited by a little spirit that filled the room with a special kind of magic.

One day, a young woman lay down on the sofa after a long day, her thoughts far away and the sun shining through the windows, gently warming the room.
No sooner had she relaxed than she noticed something strange: the sofa felt almost alive, as if it wanted to welcome her.
She smiled, not really understanding why she was so happy.
The spirit of the sofa, which could heal all the tiredness in the world, gently caressed her and made her worries disappear.

In that moment, the young woman forgot all about the stress and hectic pace of everyday life.
She felt safe, as if she were in another world where only warmth and peace mattered.
The sofa quietly whispered stories of times gone by, of all the people who had sat on it, laughed and dreamed.
And the young woman fell asleep, deep in a dream full of peace and lightness.

Since then, the red sofa was not just a piece of furniture, but a gateway to a world in which anyone who touched it could feel a little of its magic.

3 new Series from Angelina soon :*